Istio vs Linkerd: Which Service Mesh Tool is Better?

October 31, 2021


Service mesh tools help manage and secure communication between microservices in a cloud-based environment. Two popular service mesh tools are Istio and Linkerd. In this blog post, we will compare the two to determine which one is better for cloud automation.

What is Istio?

Istio is an open-source service mesh tool that provides traffic management, security, and telemetry for microservices. It makes it easy to manage traffic between services with circuit breakers, load balancing, and traffic routing. Istio also supports multiple platforms and can be used with Kubernetes, Nomad, and Consul.

What is Linkerd?

Linkerd is also an open-source service mesh tool that provides similar functionality to Istio. It is designed to work seamlessly with Kubernetes and provides metrics and monitoring to help with debugging.


When comparing Istio and Linkerd, there are several key factors to consider.

Ease of Use

Istio requires more configuration than Linkerd, making it more complex to set up initially. Linkerd has a simpler configuration, which makes it easier to use for beginners. However, Istio provides more flexibility and customization options for advanced users, so it depends on the needs of your project.


In terms of performance, both tools have similar results. In a benchmarking test conducted by Buoyant, the company behind Linkerd, both Istio and Linkerd had similar throughput and latency numbers. However, Istio did show higher resource utilization compared to Linkerd.


In terms of features, both Istio and Linkerd offer similar functionality. Istio has more features and customization options compared to Linkerd. However, Linkerd is more lightweight and easier to use for beginners.

Community Support

Both Istio and Linkerd have large and active communities, which is beneficial when seeking advice, support, or need any issues resolved. Istio has a larger user community, which translates to more support and resources. Linkerd has a smaller community but also offers great support and resources.


In conclusion, both Istio and Linkerd are good choices for cloud automation. However, it comes down to the project requirements and preferences. Istio provides more customization and flexibility, while Linkerd offers simplicity and ease of use. Both tools have similar performance results and offer a good range of features.

Hopefully, this blog post helped you understand the differences between Istio and Linkerd and make a good decision for your cloud automation needs.


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